Suffering from the dreaded what’s-for-breakfast rush, the afternoon what-are-we-having worry, or the six-o’clock scramble? Find some meal plan inspiration in my incredible, printable, THM friendly Menu Plan Week 5!
Last week was fun. My kiddos had a derby race for AWANA. So we bought all three of them a derby kit, my hubby cut them out how they liked them, and they painted them. I thought about sharing a picture of it, but they each put their names on them, so I didn’t want their names all over the interwebs! But, it was a lot of fun. So, really, there was nothing out of the ordinary going on and thus I managed to stay on plan just fine.
Oh, and I also began incorporating using the elliptical 4 times a week instead of 3. Slow and steady wins the race!
About My Menu Plan Week 5
My Family
In the menu plan below, I list what I have planned for myself that is Trim Healthy Mama friendly (labeled S, E, FP, etc.). My hubby usually eats breakfast from the cafeteria at his work and leftovers for lunch then, for dinner, he eats whatever I make plus sometimes a few extras to make the meal a Crossover.
My kids often eat something similar to what I have yet different for breakfast (for example, on days I have fried eggs, I’ll make them “egg in a nest” as they call it, which is a hole in sprouted bread then an egg cooked in the middle). Lunch they often have leftovers or make themselves sandwiches. And for dinner, they eat what we eat plus I often ensure there is some kind of extra side to make it a Crossover for them.
The only beverage I really mention in my menu plans is my Butter Coffee (and that’s only because that’s what serves as my once weekly “breakfast” on Sunday when we’re rushing out the door to get to church). Otherwise, I leave drinks up to the moment. Usually I drink water (often flavored with something), but I also upon occasion (not every day) enjoy a mug of coffee with homemade creamer for breakfast, oolong tea for lunch, or a can of Zevia soda. I basically aim to drink one gallon of non-caffeinated water-based drinks per day.
Fuel Sources
Below each meal, there is a letter (or more) in a colorful circle. These are based off the premises of Trim Healthy Mama. You can learn more about each of these letters on my intro to Trim Healthy Mama page here.
Please keep in mind that the S, E, FP, and XO icons indicate what the fuel source of the OVERALL MEAL is. A meal can have an S food item plus an FP food item, but the whole meal is an S.
If there is more than one fuel type label (example, S, E, and FP) in a single meal, you can sway the fuel type based on ingredients you use. For example, tacos. Tacos are FP if you use lean ground turkey and only add non-starchy veggies; S if you use full fat hamburger and lots of cheese; or E if you use lean ground turkey and lots of beans and starchy veggies.
Free Printable Menu Plan
Menu Plan Week 5
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